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Burn 3000 calories a week

Even get rid of excess weight is not enough to change the system of food, but you have to practice the sport on a permanent basis (even after it reaches the desired weight). Sport has many benefits I will write about later expansion, but in this context does not need to exercise, especially for those who suffer from obesity in a large proportion of the length and the reason you will notice the presence of Atralat in your body when you get rid of fat because the skin grows and grows and at a dilution of the weight where it is going this skin? The first solution to this problem is the way surgery (Baaa) to remove excess skin and the second solution is through exercise and tight muscles. Most likely will choose to exercise in this post I'll show you how burned 3000 calories (calories) in almost every week.
Did you know that in order to get rid of the 1 kg fat in your body need to burn 8000 calories? Did you know that your body consumes per day (depending on height and weight) from 1500 to 2000 calories without doing any athletic activity? Did you know that obesity is due to get you eat more than your body needs?
As previously noticed, I 4-weekly visits to the fitness center in the days (Sunday) (Tuesday) (Thursday) (Friday). Each visit lasts 100 minutes, except on Friday, 60 minutes. Each time you burn 800 calories, except on Friday, 500 calories.